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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join Key Club?

You can talk to an officer or advisor, and they will be more than happy to help. If you attend EGHS, refer to the contact section of this website to see who our officers are.

Why should I join Key Club?

Key Club has multiple benefits; it looks great on college applications, it is ideal for giving back to your community, and it teaches essential skills values that are useful later on. 

How do I see my service hours?

Check out our LinkTree, which can be found in the resources section of this website or in our Instagram bio. 

What counts as service?

Service hours can be obtained from any activity or organization that spends time doing something for the community. This includes volunteering at animal shelters or creating care packages. Social gatherings, such as DCMs and Kiwanis' meetings, do not count toward service hours. 

What is MRP?

MRP, or Member Recognition Program, is meant to recognize the members who have been more engaged in Key Club than the average key clubber is. The four levels (in order from least to highest) are bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Refer to the MRP section under resources for more info, or contact an officer.

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